Md Shahriyar Alam
4 months ago
First go to your specific server Dashboard and click
Create > Slash Command
Give it any name, in our example it will be tic-tac-toe
and in the Command Description field put anything you want
Now move to the Hooks section and we need 2 views, first view is to allow someone to click a button to accept your challenge
pyp1 =
p2 = None
class StartView(View):
def __init__(self):
self.user_id = None
@button(label="Accept", style="success")
async def accept(self, i, b):
if == p1:
await defer(i, action="create", ephemeral=True)
return respond_interaction(i, content="You can't play with youself")
self.user_id =
await defer(i, action="update")
respond_interaction(i, empty=True)
view = StartView()
content=f"{user.mention} is challenging you to play Tic-Tac-Toe", component=view
exit_code = await view.wait(scope=scope, timeout=60)
if exit_code == "timeout":
set_error("No one accepted the challenge.")
p2 = view.user_id
Since this game need 2 player, we initialized p1
to be the user who ran the command and for p2
we initially made it None and then made a view where anyone can click Accept
button to be the second player. And when someone accepts we assign p2
to be the user id of that person
In the next part we make another view that controls the whole logic of the command.
pyasync def check_winner(board):
winning_combinations = [
[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8],
[0, 3, 6],
[1, 4, 7],
[2, 5, 8],
[0, 4, 8],
[2, 4, 6]
is_game_over = False
winner = None
def check_combination(combination, index):
nonlocal winner
a, b, c = combination
if board[a] is not None and board[a] == board[b] == board[c]:
winner = board[a]
loop(winning_combinations, check_combination)
if (None not in board) or winner:
is_game_over = True
return [is_game_over, winner]
class GameView(View):
def __init__(self):
self.board = [
None, None, None,
None, None, None,
None, None, None,
self.players = [p1, p2]
self.emojis = {
p1: "⭕",
p2: "❌"
self.current_player_index = random([0, 1]) # randomly select who goes first
self.winner = None
def get_current_player(self):
return self.players[self.current_player_index]
def change_player(self):
self.current_player_index = 0 if self.current_player_index else 1
async def validate_interaction(self, i):
if not in self.players:
await defer(i, action="create", ephemeral=True)
return respond_interaction(i, content="You are a member of this board")
if != self.get_current_player():
await defer(i, action="create", ephemeral=True)
return respond_interaction(i, content="Its not your turn")
return True
async def update_board(self, i):
await self.update_view()
turn = get_member(self.get_current_player())
respond_interaction(i, content=f"{turn.mention}'s turn")
async def handle_turn(self, i, b):
is_valid = await self.validate_interaction(i)
if not is_valid:
await defer(i, action="update")
self.board[b.metadata['index']] =
b.label = self.emojis[]
b.is_disabled = True
is_game_over, winner = await check_winner(self.board)
if winner:
self.winner = winner
if is_game_over:
await self.update_board(i)
@button(label="", row=1, index=0)
async def one(self, i, b):
await self.handle_turn(i, b)
@button(label="", row=1, index=1)
async def two(self, i, b):
await self.handle_turn(i, b)
@button(label="", row=1, index=2)
async def three(self, i, b):
await self.handle_turn(i, b)
@button(label="", row=2, index=3)
async def four(self, i, b):
await self.handle_turn(i, b)
@button(label="", row=2, index=4)
async def five(self, i, b):
await self.handle_turn(i, b)
@button(label="", row=2, index=5)
async def six(self, i, b):
await self.handle_turn(i, b)
@button(label="", row=3, index=6)
async def seven(self, i, b):
await self.handle_turn(i, b)
@button(label="", row=3, index=7)
async def eight(self, i, b):
await self.handle_turn(i, b)
@button(label="", row=3, index=8)
async def nine(self, i, b):
await self.handle_turn(i, b)
async def start_game(self, i):
player = get_member(self.get_current_player())
respond_interaction(i, content=f"{player.mention}'s turn", component=self)
view = GameView()
await view.start_game(interaction)
exit_code = await view.wait(scope=scope, timeout=60)
if exit_code == "timeout":
set_error("The board has been abandoned.")
winner = None
if view.winner:
winner = get_member(view.winner)
message = f"The winner is {winner.mention} 🎉" if winner else "It's a draw"
And finally in the Response
section of the command we can put {message}
and create the command
If you still need any kind of help, have a suggestion for us or having a question in mind? Feel free to reach us out.
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