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Lets create a discord slash command that allows playing multiplayer tic-tac-toe
Lets learn how you can create paginator using slash commands bot
Here is a list of all possible permissions
Lets learn how view works
If you want to create a repeating job that keeps running until cancelled
If you are confused about when you should use curly braces for variables, read more...
To remove role from mentioned user use the add_roles and remove_roles variable
in this blog we will learn how we can create a command that sends a modal
Lets see how we can add reaction to response
To create a embed and send it to a channel programmitically using pre hook
Lets know about different limits that are enforced by discord
Want to have different cooldown for different user groups?
Basic usage of slash commands bot to start using this bot
We are going to make a command which gives a user strike and 3 strike = kick/ban
lets see how we can use mongodb database with slash commands
Add cooldown on slash commands
Learn how to manage permissions of a command
How to send welcome message to a user when he joins server
#1 Custom commands discord bot available on the internet
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